icaios-gray cpda

(Code: TAF/World Bank Project)

ICAIOS external reviewers have assessed the research proposals; please find the list of those proceeding to the next step of selection below:

  • Asrizal Luthfi : Analisis Penggunaan Tambahan Dana Bagi Hasil Migas (TDBH Migas) dan Dana Otonomi Khusus Provinsi Aceh / The Analysis of Additional Fund for Oil and Gas Revenue Sharing and Special Autonomy of Aceh Province
  • Azharsyah Ibrahim : Potensi Pemanfaatan Harta Wakaf Bagi Pembangunan Ekonomi Masyarakat Aceh / Potential Utilization of Wakaf for Economic Development of Aceh Society
  • Deddy Satria : Studi Profil Potensi dan Peran Kaum Perempuan Kepala Keluarga di Kabupaten Bireuen Pasca Perdamaian / The Study of Potential Profile and Role of Female Heads of Household in Bireun District During the Peace
  • Ibnu Mundir : Kesejahteraan Ekonomi, Stres Pasca Trauma, dan Deprivasi Relatif pada Penduduk Dewasa di Kabupaten Aceh Utara / Economic Welfare,  Post Trauma Stress and Relative Deprivation in Adult Citizens in Aceh Utara District
  • Jen Surya : Akomodasi Pembangunan Ekonomi Pasca Konflik dalam Mengisi Perdamaian Aceh (Studi Pendekatan Kebijakan Melalui MOU, UUPA, dan Qanun) /Economic Development Post Conflict in the Aceh Peace Process
  • Maini Sartika : Konflik Sosial yang Muncul Akibat Perluasan Perkebunan kelapa Sawit di Kabupaten Simeulue dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat / The Appearance of Social Conflict During Extension of Palm Oil Plantations in Simeulue Distric and it's Impact on Community Welfare 
  • Rahmat Pramulya : Perilaku Ekonomi Rumah Tangga dan Perumusan Value Chain Conflict Sensitivity (Studi Kasus pada Mantan Kombatan Konflik Aceh) / Economic Behaviour of Households and the Formulation of Value Chain Conflict Sensivity  

The above-mentioned names will present their research proposals on 24-25 February (invitation and details will be sent separately).
We appreciate your contribution and for sending us your research proposals. For our learning, in the near future, ICAIOS will organize a workshop on Reviewing Research Proposals and will invite those who participated in the Economic Development and Peace Training. More details will be announced shortly.
Thank you very much.
Our warmest regards,