Visitation from Asia Pacific Institute of Research
with Dr. Mempei Hasyashi and Mizan Bisri | 23 November 2016
Meeting with guest from German Embassy
with Jens Schuering | 25 May 2016
ICAIOS Researchers Participated on Pilot Training : Introduction to Geology for Spatial Planning
Organized by Georisk-BGR Germany and PPSDM Geologi, Mineral dan Batu Bara | 13 - 17 March 2017 | Mason Pine Hotel, Padalarang
Rangkang Manyang ICAIOS XV: Pelatihan Perencanaan dengan Logical Framework
5-6 Maret 2019 | Ruang Seminar prof. Anthony Reid, ICAIOS
Meeting with Delegation from Oberlin Shansi
ICAIOS Seminar Room | 12 April 2017
ICAIOS's Meuramin
Every Wednesday | ICAIOS Lawn
GLS #27: Disaster Tourism
with Dr. Chie Saito | 28 February 2019 | Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
ICAIOS VIII | “Religiosity, Modernity, and the Pandemic”
7-8 April 2021
Halal bi Halal with ICAIOS Family | ICAIOS Office
28 June 2018
Meeting with Delegation from Rotary Peace Center, Bangkok
18 December 2017 | prof. Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
Training Pembuatan Film Pencegahan Radikalisme untuk Tingkat SMA/Sederajat
14-17 Maret 2018 | Ruang Seminar Anthony Reid | ICAIOS
Audiensi Tim ICAIOS - ARICIS dengan Rektor UIN Ar-Raniry
16 January 2018
Urbanisme Warga | Wet-wet Gampong
Menyusuri Jejak Turki di Gampong Bitai | 15 Juli 2017
Meeting with Delegation from Kemenristekdikti
ICAIOS Seminar Room | Rabu, 24 May 2017 | 15.30 WIB
Peneliti ICAIOS dalam Workshop bersama CACS dan CSCD Pattani
Pattani, Thailand
Sharing session :Penelitian dan Penulisan Sejarah Kampung-Kampung Di Singapura
with Prof. Hadijah Rahmat | 12 December 2017 | prof. Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
ICAIOS Bersama Warga dalam "Festival Minuman Nipah"
Gampong Pande | 06 Agustus 2017 | Urbanisme Warga
ICAIOS Researchers at Bhinneka Kota
Kota Tua, Jakarta | 08 April - 14 Mei 2017 | by RUJAK Center for Urban Studies
Visiting Diplomat Discussion : Keberagaman Agama
with David Saperstein | 26 October 2016
Graphic Design for Academics and Office Needs Workshop
With Pratitou Arafat | 22 December 2016
Seri Diskusi Islam Warna Warni #19: Document on Human Fraternity
with Dr. Amri Fatmi, Lc., M.A. | 1 Maret 2019 | Ruang Seminar Anthony Reid, ICAIOS
Meeting with delegation of Japan Foundation
ICAIOS Seminar Room | 28 Ferbruary 2017
Urbanisme Warga | Wet-wet Gampong
Belajar Seni dan Bencana di Gampong Punge Blang Cut | 04 March 2017
Syiah Kuala University | 8-9 August 2016
PDS #70: Mengajar Generasi Millenial
with Fahmi Yunus | 01 February 2019 | Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
Rapat Pengurus ICAIOS
Jumat, 17 Januari 2020 | Ruang Seminar Prof. Anthony Reid
ICAIOS at Open is the New Smart : Making Cities Work for Citizen
with Open Data Labs, RUJAK, Jakarta Smart Cities | Goethe Haus | 07 March 2017


“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”
― Jim Morrison

It has been proven that media is very powerful in reality construction processes, including in producing, reproducing, as well as distributing discourses and public opinions. Media is admittedly powerful enough to promote change or status quo, and is powerful in institutionalizing and legitimatizing cultures and knowledge.

In the contemporary contexts, a dynamic interface has taken place among the following three elements: mass media, social media, and social and political dynamics. Even the current era of political communication, Gungun Heryanto asserts that political rhetorical era and media mainstream era has shifted to new media era; where social media such as social networking sites and interactive weblogs have functioned as political communication channels (Heryanto, 2013).

Political communication plays a very central role in political dynamics ahead of 2014 general elections, particularly in relation to synergies and correlations of various important elements involving in the democratic event. Those who are involved include the current regime, political parties, traditional social structures, mass media, and global powers.

The “Meet and Greet the Writer” hosted by the International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) will present Dr. Gungun Heryanto, M.Si — a young author and national political communication expert. Gungun will present his opinions and particularly discuss the roles and positions of media as well as political party interests in Indonesia. This “Meet and Greet the Writers” will take place on:

Day/Date : Tuesday/October 29, 2013
Time        : 16.30-18.00
Venue      : ICAIOS’ Seminar Room, Darussalam Banda Aceh

For further information and registration, kindly contact ICAIOS (Uli) at (0651) 7552368 or 082365255500, email
As seats are limited, registration is highly encouraged.


keluarga relasi kuasal di Aceh


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