
Three Aceh young researchers are getting ICAIOS research grants on Economic Development and Peace. They are Asrizal Lutfi, a junior staff at BAPPEDA Aceh Besar, Ibnu Mundir, a young independent researcher and a staff of American Red Cross in Banda Aceh, and Rahmat Pramulya, a lecturer at Universitas Teuku Umar (UTU), Meulaboh. The research grants will enable the three young researchers to do their research in 2012 in the area considered important for Aceh.

Asrizal Luthfi  proposed research will focus in analyzing the use of Aceh’s additional budget from special autonomy and oil-gas revenue sharing fund. Meanwhile, Ibnu Mundir, with his background in psychology, will study the relations between economic welfare, post-trauma stress, and relative deprivation among adults in Aceh Utara. Rahmat Pramulya’s proposed research, on the other hand, is on household economic behavior in the context of value chain conflict sensitivity.
The three research proposals were chosen from 17 submitted proposals by a panel of five independent reviewers. The reviewers are Dr. Eka Srimulyani, an academician from IAIN Ar-Raniry with expertise in sociology of religion and gender; Dr. Saleh Sjafei, a sociologist from Universitas Syiah Kuala who is also the coordinator of Aceh Researcher Forum; Dr. Ema Alemina from BAPPEDA Aceh; Dr. Nazamuddin, a development economist of Universitas Syiah Kuala; and, Delsy Ronnie a Ph.D. candidate in peace studies and conflict resolution at University of Helsinki, Finlandia, who is also an Aceh peace advocate.  
“These competitive research grants are provided for young researchers who participated in a research training held by ICAIOS in November 2011,” said M Riza Nurdin, ICAIOS’ Program Manager who runs the overall program which is funded by CPDA-World Bank. “We hope the grants will enable the young researchers to practice what they have learned from the training, and at the same time, produce a good quality research,” continued Riza.

Riza also added that for this purpose ICAIOS will provide national and international mentors for the selected researchers to provide assistance and evaluation of the proposed research.