Visiting Diplomat Discussion : Keberagaman Agama
with David Saperstein | 26 October 2016
Meeting with guest from German Embassy
with Jens Schuering | 25 May 2016
ICAIOS Researchers Participated on Pilot Training : Introduction to Geology for Spatial Planning
Organized by Georisk-BGR Germany and PPSDM Geologi, Mineral dan Batu Bara | 13 - 17 March 2017 | Mason Pine Hotel, Padalarang
Meeting with Delegation from Kemenristekdikti
ICAIOS Seminar Room | Rabu, 24 May 2017 | 15.30 WIB
PDS #70: Mengajar Generasi Millenial
with Fahmi Yunus | 01 February 2019 | Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
Peneliti ICAIOS dalam Workshop bersama CACS dan CSCD Pattani
Pattani, Thailand
ICAIOS Researchers at Bhinneka Kota
Kota Tua, Jakarta | 08 April - 14 Mei 2017 | by RUJAK Center for Urban Studies
GLS #27: Disaster Tourism
with Dr. Chie Saito | 28 February 2019 | Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
Urbanisme Warga | Wet-wet Gampong
Belajar Seni dan Bencana di Gampong Punge Blang Cut | 04 March 2017
Sharing session :Penelitian dan Penulisan Sejarah Kampung-Kampung Di Singapura
with Prof. Hadijah Rahmat | 12 December 2017 | prof. Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
Urbanisme Warga | Wet-wet Gampong
Menyusuri Jejak Turki di Gampong Bitai | 15 Juli 2017
Meeting with delegation of Japan Foundation
ICAIOS Seminar Room | 28 Ferbruary 2017
Visitation from Asia Pacific Institute of Research
with Dr. Mempei Hasyashi and Mizan Bisri | 23 November 2016
Seri Diskusi Islam Warna Warni #19: Document on Human Fraternity
with Dr. Amri Fatmi, Lc., M.A. | 1 Maret 2019 | Ruang Seminar Anthony Reid, ICAIOS
Halal bi Halal with ICAIOS Family | ICAIOS Office
28 June 2018
Syiah Kuala University | 8-9 August 2016
ICAIOS's Meuramin
Every Wednesday | ICAIOS Lawn
Graphic Design for Academics and Office Needs Workshop
With Pratitou Arafat | 22 December 2016
Audiensi Tim ICAIOS - ARICIS dengan Rektor UIN Ar-Raniry
16 January 2018
Meeting with Delegation from Rotary Peace Center, Bangkok
18 December 2017 | prof. Anthony Reid Seminar Room, ICAIOS
Rapat Pengurus ICAIOS
Jumat, 17 Januari 2020 | Ruang Seminar Prof. Anthony Reid
Training Pembuatan Film Pencegahan Radikalisme untuk Tingkat SMA/Sederajat
14-17 Maret 2018 | Ruang Seminar Anthony Reid | ICAIOS
Rangkang Manyang ICAIOS XV: Pelatihan Perencanaan dengan Logical Framework
5-6 Maret 2019 | Ruang Seminar prof. Anthony Reid, ICAIOS
ICAIOS Bersama Warga dalam "Festival Minuman Nipah"
Gampong Pande | 06 Agustus 2017 | Urbanisme Warga
Meeting with Delegation from Oberlin Shansi
ICAIOS Seminar Room | 12 April 2017
ICAIOS at Open is the New Smart : Making Cities Work for Citizen
with Open Data Labs, RUJAK, Jakarta Smart Cities | Goethe Haus | 07 March 2017
ICAIOS VIII | “Religiosity, Modernity, and the Pandemic”
7-8 April 2021

Bener News | Nurdin Hasan | 19 February 2016

KARENA group of 15 Karen rebels from Myanmar spent a week in Indonesia’s westernmost province of Aceh to learn how the region maintains peace after gaining it a decade ago.

During their stay, from Feb. 14 – 20, the group met with academics, government officials, former members of the separatist Free Aceh Movement (GAM), activists and journalists.

“The success of the peace in Aceh is a role model for our region, with a few adjustments, of course. For example, the establishment of a local political party is really interesting and maybe can be discussed” back home, delegation leader Isaac Po told BenarNews.

The 15 represented three subgroups – Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA), Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), and Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army Peace Council (KNU/KNLA PC).

In one session during the week, journalists shared their experience in reporting on gun battles between the Indonesian army and GAM separatists.

“We really had to be independent in reporting the conflict, because if we took a side, the other would be angry,” said Tarmilin Usman, chairman of Aceh Chapter of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI).

“Back then, local media always campaigned about the need to end the armed conflict through dialogue. Even a small opportunity for dialogue between the warring parties, we would turn into major news,” he said.


The government of Myanmar signed a ceasefire agreement with eight groups of rebels, including the Karen, in October 2015, following more than six decades of conflict.

The ceasefire has been going smoothly so far.

“We adhere to the ceasefire agreement and there has been no more armed contact with the military,” Po said. “It is true what some people we met here in Aceh said, bringing a conflict to an end requires negotiation and dialog.”

He added that his group wants to learn how Acehnese achieved lasting peace. They also want to learn about the challenges in maintaining peace.

“We are also interested to know how former GAM separatists transformed from armed freedom fighters to high-level government officials,” Po said.

“We realize we still have a long way to go to achieve peace in our land, but we’re optimistic we can do the same as what Acehnese have done under one condition – no party betray the other,” he added.

Po said the ceasefire in Myanmar occurred as the nation’s politics changed from a military junta that ruled for more than 50 years to a democratic government. Unlike in Aceh, no mediator was involved in the peace talks.

The National League of Democracy landslide victory led by Aung San Suu Kyi in last year’s election created an opportunity for Myanmar to create a democratic leadership. Military influence remains strong, however, as the constitution requires one-fourth of the parliament be filled by members of the military.

Indonesia experienced similar authoritarianism during the New Order era, when former President Suharto ruled with an iron fist for 32 years.

Rebels Met Local Top Leader

The delegations’ visit was facilitated by the Cambodia-based Center for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS) and the International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS). ICAIOS is a joint research center of three universities – Syiah Kuala University, Ar-Raniry Islamic State University and Malikussaleh University of Lhokseumawe.

ICAOS said the Karen delegation met with Malik Mahmud Al Haythar, known as Wali Nanggroe Aceh, on Tuesday. The Wali Nanggroe is a traditional leader seen as a unifying figure in Aceh.

Malik shared his story about the separatist struggle and peace talks with the Indonesian government that began in 1999. Several agreements made during the process fell through because the parties did not trust one another.

“It was not that smooth, the challenges were there. So it was only in 2005 that peace was realized through negotiations in Helsinki, Finland. The most important thing is mutual trust between the two sides,” he said.

The former GAM prime minister advised the Myanmar group to follow in the footsteps of GAM by sticking to dialogue and negotiations.

“We, the GAM rebels, used to think there was no other way but war. But in reality, there is hope in another kind of solution, through dialogue, that brings lasting peace and benefits to both sides,” he said.

“If you hold talks, you will get support not only from local society, but also the international community. Peace is not just for the Karen rebels, but also for your people,” Malik said.

The delegation also met officials of the Aceh Party and Aceh National Party, two local political parties formed by former GAM separatists, to learn how former armed rebels switched to politics. [Source



keluarga relasi kuasal di Aceh


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