Public Discussion Series
Being Young and Muslim in Diaspora : Narratives of Indonesian-Australian Muslims

Dr. Teuku Zulfikar, M.Ed

Executive Director of ICAIOS
Head of English Language Education Department of UIN Ar-Raniry
M.Ed in Educational Administration (Ohio University, 2006)
Ph.D in Pedagogy and Cultural Studies (Monash University, 2011)

Jum'at, 02 September 2016 | 16.30 - 18.00 WIB | Ruang Seminar ICAIOS
About PDS :
The history of Muslim settlement in Australia has been dated on 13th century, and since then Some Muslims have assimilated and integrated to the mainstream society, Likewise, Indonesian Muslim communities in Australia have integrated, and some of them in fact assimilated to the mainstream society. This is so, since identity is hybrid and also fluid; it changes folowing the changes of time and space. Family, Muslim community centers, Islamic and Australian public schools are spaces where identity is molded and shaped. Most Muslims, especially young Muslims position themselves within multiple settings;they sometimes find it difficult to negotiate between being young and being Muslim.
This is because in some western countries, youth cultures do not sit well within religious discourses. For that reaso, living Muslim in non-Muslim countries is challenging, but at the same token it is interesting as well. In this particular public discussion, the presenter will discuss ways of being young and Muslim at the same time, in which theory of insiderism and outsiderism will be used as the basis of the analysis.