Call for Applicants


Research Projects: The School Governance Project (The University of Auckland)
(International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies/ICAIOS)
Terms of References


Qualitative research requires in-depth analysis on participants’ experience. This is because Qualitative researchers believe that experience is valid knowledge, through which they are able to understand their participants. To explore participants’ experience, Qualitative researchers conduct semi-structured interviews. The findings from interview are regarded as main data for a certain research. However, these findings should be transcribed in verbatim form to enable researchers analyze these interview data. Only through transcript, are the researchers able to review and analyze the data.

The research on the School Governance, which is conducted by the ICAIOS team in cooperation with the University of Auckland, requires intensive and prolonged exploration on participants’ ways of thinking and decision-making through semi-structured in depth interviews, and thus verbatim transcription is needed.

ICAIOS therefore, is expected to recruit a potential transcriber who is able to transcribe interviews efficiently and effectively and translate them into English afterward.

Key Assignments of the Transcriber Specialist
At present, ICAIOS is looking for a part-time position as a Transcriber Specialist to support the School Governance projects funded by the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His/her specific assignments will be as follows:
1. Transcribing interview data in verbatim format (detailed transcription)
2. Translating the transcript into English
3. Is responsible to ICAIOS Executive Director and the Researchers for School Governance project.

Contractual Details
· The Transcriber Specialist will be contracted for 20 days, in which one day equals to eight working hours
· The transcriber is expected to complete their task the end of July
· Contracting arrangements will be between ICAIOS and the Transcriber Specialist
· The transcriber need to sign an agreement that the interview data will be kept secret in anyway.


· Successfully completed a Bachelor degree or above, preferably those who have experience transcribing qualitative interviews.
· Excellent communication skills in English. Ability to speak local language (Acehnese) is an advantage
· An ability to work independently and with strong self-initiative
· An ability to work long hours
· Great interpersonal and leadership skills as proven by previous assignments
· Excellent ability with Microsoft Office Word
· Must be able to start working immediately.

Application procedure:
Candidates should provide a cover letter as well as a detailed CV (both in English) demonstrating their qualifications and skills related to those noted above. These documents should be sent by email to by Friday May 9, 2014. Please note, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.