The Acehnese Gampong Ten Years On

Completed Project

The Acehnese Gampong Ten Years On

A post-post Tsunami Assessment



December 26th 2014 marked the tenth anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami, one of the most destructive and deadliest natural disasters in history, killing nearly a quarter million people in 14 countries and devastating the lives and livelihoods of millions more. It also prompted an unprecedented international response. The heaviest damage and highest casualties occurred in the Indonesian province of Aceh, which also received the largest infusion of recovery aid.

Two research projects, in 2007 and again in 2014, have examined the recovery process in 18 villages in the hardest-hit areas of the province. Ten years on, the researchers found, ‘it is increasingly hard to find signs that the tsunami ever occurred – except that most of the facilities and services are better than they were before’. At the village level, however, some are faring much better than others. Why this is so was the focus of the both the 2007 and 2014 studies.

Report Authors: Craig Thorburn and Bryan Rochelle


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