Development of Youths

Guest Lecture Series
Development of Youths

Prof. Dr. Barbara Jurgens

Visiting Professor at Faculty of Psychology, UIN Ar-Raniry
Professor in Educational Psychology at University of Education

Ludwigsburg and Technical University Braunschweig (Germany)

Jum'at, 04 November 2016 | 16.30 - 18.00 WIB | Ruang Seminar ICAIOS
About GLS:
In this talk, current issues on the research on the development of youths are presented. Describing developmentals tasks shows the special situation of youth. Cognitive and motivational processes are changing considerably from childhood through youth to adulthood. Ways of coping with stress are influencing well-being and health of young people. Moreover they have an impact on their adult life. Many young people are living i poor conditions. Therefore reseliency, that is thriving in the face of adversityhas become an important issue in the last decades.
What we know about development of youth mostly depends on research in western countries. However development of youth also being influenced by culture it can't always be describe by universal principles. Therefore the interdependance of universal principles and cultural influences has to be mentioned. There is considerable impact of culture on development tasks, notable the development of values. In coping with stress and resiliency there seems to be differences between females and males depending on the cultural determination of gender roles. On the other hand in regard to cognitive and motivational development differences between cultures seem to be negligible.


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