Workshop on Saving Gold Coins in GampongPande

On 25 February 2014, Aceh Heritage Community Foundation (AHC) organized a workshop on Saving Gold Coins (dirhams) in GampongPande, Banda Aceh. The workshop was aimed at increasing awareness of the community on the importance of protecting ancient heritages from illegal trading. Supported by Prince Claus Fund of The Netherlands, the workshop took place at GampongPande community centre and attended by about 100 persons involving community, government and civil society organizations. ICAIOS is proud to be a collaborative institution in this workshop. ICAIOS board member Nurdin AR (lecturer at Ar-Raniry Islamic State University, former Head of Aceh Museum)was invited as one of the resource persons to talk about the history of GampongPande and dirhams in Aceh. ICAIOS staff also involved in facilitating working group session which aimed at identifying problems and challenges faced by the community as well as tracing possible individuals who found the dirhams. The GampongPande attracted local, national and international attention in November last year with the discovery of a chest containing hundreds of old coins dating back to ancient Aceh kingdom.



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