Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad KBA is a lecturer in UIN Ar Raniry. He obtained master degree in Islamic Political Science from University of Malaya and Ph.D in Sociology and Anthropology from School of Social Sciences La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia. His research interest is in anthropology of Islamic culture; Sociology of Religion; Islamic Studies; Islamic Politics inIndonesia and Malaysia; Sufism and Mysticism; Islam in Southeast Asia; Islamic Movementin Southeast Asia; Malay World; Societies and Cultures of Aceh (Indonesia); and Spiritualhermeneutic.
Source: https://ar-raniry.academia.edu/KamaruzzamanBustamamAhmad/CurriculumVitae

Dr. M. Nazaruddin
He is a lecturer in Universitas Malikussaleh

Muhammad Yakub Aiyub Kaidr M. Ya’kub Aiyub Kadir, is a lecturer at the Law faculty of Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia. He earned his PhD in international law from the Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom. Prior to joining Syiah Kuala University, he actively involved in various humanitarian works in several agencies post-earthquake and tsunami in Aceh 2004, i.e. humanitarian protection manager at World Vision Aceh Program, a legal development and human resource manager at the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) for Aceh and Nias, and also a researcher at the Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (CPCRS) Unsyiah-Aceh. His research interest is focused on several areas within Public International Law, i.e. Human Rights Law; Self-determination; Resource Nationalism and Governance; and Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL).
Source: http://fsd.unsyiah.ac.id/muyakadir/

Dr. Luthfi Aunie, MA Luthfi Aunie was a Deputy Rector for Planning, Administration, & Financial Affairs State Islamic Univesity of Ar-Raniry. Dr. Luthfi earned a Ph.D. degree on Sociology from UNMER, Malang, Indonesia (2014). He completed two master degrees, one from McGill University, Canada in master of Art (1993) and another one from Bendwich U.S.A. in Master of Project Management (2005). Dr. Luthfie Aunie had served as member of scholarship commission at Aceh Province Education Council (2012-2014) and has served the position as a chairman of English Lecturers’ Research Works (1999-current). His research interest includes grammar and communication, and islamic studies in modern world. He has widely published his research in the field of education, Social and Islamic Studies. Some of his selected publications are” Upaya Meningkatkan Interaksi Mahasiswa dan Dosen dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar English Public Speaking” di UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, 2015; “the Nature of Vocabulary Mastery and Its Impacts on Reading Comprehension,” 2003. Source: http://pbi.ar-raniry.ac.id/luthfi-aunie/

Marthunis, ST., D.E.A. Marthunis is representative from Aceh Government. He is currently working as Kepala Bidang Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Iklim Penanaman Modal in Aceh Governtment. |
Dr Mochd Haikal SE MM He is a lecturer in Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh. |

Personal website (URL): http://fsd.unsyiah.ac.id/nazamuddin/ |