Executive Director

reza idria

Reza Idria holds an MA and Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Harvard University as well as an MA in Islamic Studies from Leiden University, The Netherlands. He has conducted numerous research on social, political and legal consequences related to the implementation of Islamic Law in Aceh, Indonesia. He was Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Distinguished Fellow of 2022-2023. Besides teaching and researching, Reza is also renowned for his contributions as a human rights defender and a facilitator for several critical study groups in Aceh. He is a member of the Indonesian Young Academy of Science (ALMI).

Progam Manager

ika ismiati

Ika completed her bachelor degree in economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia in 2015. She is interested in sharia economics, circular economy and environmental economics, particularly in economic valuation.

Program Assistant


Pratitou Arafat holds a Master of Landscape Architecture, from Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia in 2015. He completed her bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor in 2010. His research interests are city management including city landscape planning, area management, and urban heritage. Titou has some national and international working experiences with non-government institutions and some experiences in entrepreneurship such Mandiri jaya Flora Nursery (Bogor), Old Westbury Garden, Old Westbury, New York, US, and Designer and owner of Local brand souvenir "Temurui clothing line" Aceh.

Finance Officer

Nonong Safrida


Administrative and Office Manager

Huliatul Adnin edit



KakEvi edit

Evi started his profession as a librarian as a volunteer in the library IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, with a focus on users service and circulation. Ever as a school librarian at senior hight school in Aceh Besar for a year, focusing on the processing and cataloging. She had joined with orphans in Aceh Besar supported by the Muslim-AID Malaysia in developing the library for boarding school. In 2009, Evi joined ARTI (Aceh research training Institute) as a librarian in charge of documentation at the library. In 2010 Evi joined ICAIOS as well as librarians.

IT Support

afif edit

Office Assistant
Assauti Wahid | 


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