The PPISB building is home to the best social sciences library in Aceh systematically developed in the post-tsunami period by the Aceh Research Training Institute (ARTI) and ICAIOS. Substantial donations and program purchases have seen the collection of new library materials greatly expanded with over 700 new books and thousands of digital documents, covering both classic material and recent research. Its collection also has an extensive body of research reports and documents produced by government agencies, research institutes, and NGOs working on post-tsunami and post-conflict issues in Aceh.

The Library also maintains an online database, providing access to digitized materials as well its online catalogue

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The library's catalogue of hard copy materials, as well as digital materials, can be searched online using the following CMEWeb Link.

Aceh Books
The library's digital files, including the library's collection of digitized KITLV publications, can also downloaded from the following Aceh Books Link.

KITLV catalog with access to all reports Training Centre of Social Sciences Research Aceh and KITLV online magazines, including BKI from year 1852 to present.

ICAIOS Library
The library's digital files, including the library's collection of digitized ARTI publications, can also downloaded from the following ICAIOS Library Link.


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keluarga relasi kuasal di Aceh


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