jesse edit

Jesse Hession Grayman |
Short bio: Senior Lecturer in Development Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. PhD in Social and Medical Anthropology from Harvard University. MPH in Epidemiology, and MA in Southeast Asian Studies, from University of Michigan.  
Research Interest: Social anthropology; medical anthropology; development studies; humanitarianism; global public health; political violence; conflict and development; social suffering; community driven development; media technologies; epidemiology; internally displaced populations; Southeast Asian studies 

Tai Yew Seng

Tai Yew Seng |
Dr. Tai Yew Seng is an archaeologist in training, specialized in ceramic archaeology and maritime trade. He is now a Research Fellow in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore involving in Aceh Geohazard Project to analysis ceramics discovered in Aceh. He has co-authored a book titled “Ceramics of Heliputan Reef and Sumpat Bay: Shipwrecks Cargoes exploration in the waters of Tanjung Pinang” on the part of Yuan, Ming and Qing maritime trade. Another book on Tang and Song dynasties maritime trade will be published soon.


E. Edwards McKinnon
E. Edwards McKinnon obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in art history from Cornell University, USA. He has interests in ancient inter-regional maritime trade and Indian (particularly Tamil) influences in Sumatra, especially the vestiges of both Buddhism and early Islamic influences. He has worked in northern Sumatra, where he pioneered excavation at Kota Cina, a medieval harbour site near Medan and in Aceh, and published widely on the history and archaeology of Sumatra. He has travelled extensively throughout the island and is familiar with much of the landscape of Sumatra and with numerous early archaeological sites.

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