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Arfiansyah |
Arfiansyah is currently a Ph.D. student in Anthropology of Islamic Law at Leiden Institute for Area Studies of Leiden University, Netherland, and expected to submit his research on the Islamic Triangle: The Relationship of Adat, Sharia Law, and Civil Law. He obtained his M.A from McGill University in 2010. His publication includes Syariat Islam, Politik, dan Perempuan di Aceh published by UIN Ar-Raniry, 2013 and Politicization of Sharia law: Behind the Implementation of Sharia Law in Aceh, Article journal published by Media Sharia in 2011.
Asrul Sidiq holds a M.Sc in Regional and Rural Development Planning from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2013). He completed bachelor degree in Regional and City Planning at Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung (2010). Asrul has some working experiences with the government organizations such as Aceh Public Works Department (Dinas Cipta Karya) and Aceh Development Planning Agency (Bappeda). Currently is PhD student at Australian National University.
Research interest: Regional and rural development planning, community development, economic geography, and disaster management
Cut Dian Fitri |
Cut Dian Fitri has a BA and master degree in Accounting from Syiah Kuala University, one of the best accounting program in the country. She has worked and had extensive experience in Finance and Accounting with international organizations.
Fahmi Yunus|
Fahmi Yunus has ten years experience in communication, media development, peace building, and collaboration as an activist, NGO leader, trainer, lecturer, and researcher. He also produced forward-looking inter-sectoral studies within the framework of “economic development, disaster risk reduction, conflict resolution, communication and education and a founder of research NGO, non-formal education institution for the children. Currently is PhD student in School of Management, University of Sheffield, UK.Research interest: Economics, Management, Marketing, Communication & Social Media Personal website: |
Multia Zahara |
Multia Zahara is Data Processing and Quality Assurance Coordinator for the MAHS Indonesia Field SurveyTeam, and an affiliated researcher of the Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS). She was formerly a lecturer in Institute Agama Islam Almuslim in Aceh and a guest lecturer in Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry in Banda Aceh.
Pratitou Arafat | Pratitou Arafat holds a Master of Landscape Architecture, from Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia in 2015. He completed her bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor in 2010. His research interests are city management including city landscape planning, area management, and urban heritage. Titou has some national and international working experiences with non-government institutions and some experiences in entrepreneurship such Mandiri jaya Flora Nursery (Bogor), Old Westbury Garden, Old Westbury, New York, US, and Designer and owner of Local brand souvenir "Temurui clothing line" Aceh. |