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Anton Widyanto |
Anton Widyanto obtained his BA from The State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. His master’s degree obtained from The State Institute of Islamic Studies IAIN Walisongo, Semarang, and Florida State University, USA, while his Ph.D. in contemporary fiqh obtained from IAIN Ar-Raniry. His research interests are in Islamic education and Islamic Law. Beside as a lecturer of UIN Ar-Raniry, he is also President of East-West Center Alumni Association-Aceh Chapter since 2008; Editor in Chief of Didaktika Journal of Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher Training, UIN Ar-Raniry; and Managing Editor of Islam Futura Journal of Graduate Program of UIN Ar-Raniry.
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Arfiansyah |
Arfiansyah obtained his Ph.D. in Anthropology of Islamic Law from Leiden Institute for Area Studies of Leiden University, Netherland with the dissertation on the Islamic Triangle: The Relationship of Adat, Sharia Law, and Civil Law. He obtained his M.A from McGill University in 2010. His publication includes Syariat Islam, Politik, dan Perempuan di Aceh published by UIN Ar-Raniry, 2013 and Politicization of Sharia law: Behind the Implementation of Sharia Law in Aceh, Article journal published by Media Sharia in 2011.
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Cut Dewi |
Cut Dewi works in the area of architectural and urban heritage studies. She finished her bachelor at Department of Architecture, Syiah Kuala University, did her master at Groningen University, the Netherlands in the field Environmental and Infrastructure Planning and SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). In 2015, she finished her PhD at the Australian National University with the thesis Iconic Architectural Heritage in Banda Aceh: Remembering and Conservation in post-disasyter contexts. She is a member of Association for Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS). She is a reviewer of International Journal of Heritage Studies (Routledge) and some international and national conferences and an editor of Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa (JIM) Department of Architecture and Planning. She has taught architecture at Syiah Kuala University since 2002 until now.
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Eka Srimulyani |
Eka Srimulyani is a tenured lecturer at The Islamic University of Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh Indonesia. She obtained master degree in Islamic studies from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and Ph.D in International Studies (Asia-Pacific Studies) from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. She was previously a postdoctoral research fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) Leiden University, The Netherlands in 2010 and 2012. Among her publications are “Muslim Women and Education in Indonesia: The Pondok Pesantren Experience” published in Asia Pacific Journal of Education 2007, “Pesantren Seblak of Jombang East Java: Women’s Educational Leadership” in Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs (RIMA) 2008, “Negotiating Public Space: Three Nyai Generations in a Jombang Pesantren” in Indonesian Islam in a New Era: How Women Negotiate their Muslim Identities edited by Susan Blacburn et al 2008, “Inspired by History” published in Inside Indonesia , 103. Jan – March 2011., Women from Traditional Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia: Negotiating Public Spaces published by Amsterdam University Press, 2012, and ”Gender in contemporary Acehnese dayah: moving beyond docile agency?” in Bianca J. Smith and Marck Woodward (eds), Gender and Power in Indonesian Islam: Leaders, Feminist, Sufist, and Pesantren Selves, Asia Women Series, Routledge.
Research interest: [Muslim] women and education.
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Faishal Zakaria |
Dr. Faisal Zakaria is a tenured English teacher educator from the Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (UIN Ar-Raniry), Banda Aceh, Aceh - Indonesia. With the Indonesia Endowment Fun for Education (LPDP) sponsorship, he earned a Ph.D in Literacy, Culture and Language Education from Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA. Dr. Faishal's dissertation research focused on online professional development (PD) communities for Indonesian English language teacher educators. With a fullbright scholarship, he attained an MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from the Indian University of Pennsylvania in 2008. While at Indiana University, Dr. Faishal served as a teaching assistant in several qualitative inquiry courses for language teacher educators, engaged in collaborative research projects, received a number of departmental fellowships, and taught first-year English composition and Bahasa indonesia courses. His professional and research interests lie in the areas of online PD, English teacher education, qualitative inquiry, and critical literacies and pedagogies.
Research interests: Teacher professional development, identity and language learning and teaching, postmethod language pedagogy, and second language writing pedagogy.
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Ibnu Mundzir obtained his MA in Community Psychology and Social Change from Pennsylvania State University (2011) with a full scholarship from Fulbright Tsunami Initiative Program. He completed a bachelor degree in psychology at Universitas Indonesia (2004). His research interest includes disaster management, particularly on disaster risks reduction, post-disaster/conflict mental health, post-disaster social changes, and program evaluation. Mundzir teaches Disaster Management and Peace Psychology in psychology undergraduate program in Aceh. He has been working on post-conflict psychosocial support, disaster emergency response, disaster risks reduction, and HIV/AIDS programs with various national and international organizations in Aceh, North Moluccas, Poso, and Jakarta. Since 2014, he has been the research manager of the Aftermath of Aid, an Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) and ICAIOS research collaboration assessing the effectiveness and sustainability of post-tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction in five different sectors: demographic, disaster risks reduction, governance and civil society, housing, and livelihood.
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Muhammad Riza Nurdin |
Muhammad Riza Nurdin (Riza) obtained his BA in Islamic Studies and Arabic from Al Azhar University, Egypt and then completed a Master Degree in Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Passau, Germany. Riza ahs some working experiences with international organizations during post-tsunami programmes in Aceh such as the British Red Cross and the American Red Cross. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at University of Malaya and Studied Southeast Asian Social Inquiry at UNSW Canberra at ADFA (PhD).
Research interest: Sociology and Anthropology of religion, Islamic and the West, social/religious movements and Political Islam.
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Munawar |
Munawar is a statistics lecturer at Statistics Department of Mathematics and Sciences Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. He has worked for some institutions, agencies, and companies such as Unilever Indonesia and UNIFEM (now UN Women) holding various positions. He completed his Research Methodology (now Research Methodology and Data Analytics) PhD Program at Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Science and Technology Faculty, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani campus, Thailand. The advisors were Asst. Prof. Dr. Rhysa McNeil, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohana Jani and Prof. Dr. Don McNeil. Munawar is an Aceh Government scholar with a master degree in Applied Statistics at Economics and Administration Faculty of Universiti Malaya – Kuala Lumpur. He did his B.Sc in Mathematics at Mathematics Department of Mathematics and Sciences Faculty, Syiah Kuala University.
Research interests: Biostatistics, Demography, Econometrics, and statistical methods. As a statistics trainer, he works with r and statistical package like SPSS, SAS, S-Plus, Minitab, E-view etc.
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Rizanna Rosemary |
Rizanna Rosemary is a faculty member in Communication Department at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Syiah Kuala University. She completed her master degree and doctoral degree in Health Communication from the Media and Communication Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia. Besides teaching, she is currently an active researcher for the Center of Tobacco Control Studies (CTCS) in Aceh and Indonesia Tobacco Research Alliances (ITRA) which are affiliated under the Tobacco Control Support Center (TCSC-IAKMI) and Indonesia Tobacco Control Network (ITCN), and also an active researcher at the Internationnal Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS).Research interest: Media studies, health communication, tobacco control |
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Saiful Akmal |
Saiful Akmal earned his bachelor degree from English Department, Ar-Raniry State Islamic Institute in 2005. He received his master degree from The University of Liverpool, the United Kingdom in 2007 focusing on the applied linguistics, specializing in critical/political discourse analysis on the language of power and justification in political speech. Saiful analyzed views of the Iraq War in Obama, Bush, Galloway and Blair political remarks in the media prior to the Iraq War. He holds a doctoral degree in Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Language and Culture from the Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany researching the language of politics and the political rhetoric of ex-combatants leaders in post-conflict electioneering in the newspapers and portal news, intertwining his multi-discipline interest in language, politics and the media. He has been teaching since 2006 at Ar-Raniry State Islamic Institute, particularly in Discourse Analysis and (Applied) Linguistics at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. He also teaches Political Communication and Public Opinion at the Communication and Social and Political Science at the same university.
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Saiful Mahdi |
Saiful Mahdi is a faculty member in Statistics at Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. Saiful is a Fulbright scholar with a master degree in Statistics from the University of Vermont, Burlington, and finished his Ph.D. program in Regional Science at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. He is also the co-founder and first executive director of The Aceh Institute, Banda Aceh.
Research interests: Discourses in social capital, demography, regional economics and planning, and the use of quantitative methods in social sciences and policy analysis.
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Sehat Ihsan Shadiqin |
Sehat Ihsan Shadiqin attained his MA in Islamic Thought in 2004 from Graduate School of State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh. He did social and religion researches in Aceh and Java and participated in various national and international conferences. He is also among those who successfully introduced ethnographical research for public policy to Regional Planning Bureau of Aceh Province in 2013. The program is named Ethnography for Poverty Studies. Sadiqin authored Tasawuf Aceh (2008), Adat dan Dinamika Politik Aceh (Book Chapter, 2010), Serambi Mekkah yang Berubah (Book Chapter, 2011) and Cosmosufism (2013). His jurnal publications are, among others, Tasawuf di Aceh: Sebuah Peta Kronologis (2009), Syariat dan Masyarakat Kosmopolitan (2012), Thariqat dalam Masyarakat Jawa Pedesaan (2011), and Agama Pran Soeh (2013).
Research interest: Social culture and religiosity that covers wide range of issues such as tasawuf/tarekat, ethnicity, children and gender, adat movement, popular culture, and Islamic studies. Since 2006, Sehat Ihsan Sadiqin serves as a lecturer at Sociology of religions at the State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry. Now, he is doing PhD program in Islamic Studies at State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.
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Syaifullah Muhammad is Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. He got M.Eng degree and Ph.D degree in Chemical Engineering from Curtin University of Technology Western Australia which is focus on nano particle technology and wastewater treatment. He is also Senior researcher at ICAIOS, Chief of Executive Board of A for Aceh (AFA), Head of Research and Development Forum Bangun Aceh (FBA) and Executive Director of Centre for Creative Industry of Syiah Kuala University (CCIS) Banda Aceh. His research interests include nanoparticle technology and Advance Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment. Syaifullah is experienced in condacting training of leadership, organization, communication, learning and teaching metedology.
Research interest: Nanoparticle Technology and Advance Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment
Personal website:
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Teuku Zulfikar earned a Ph.D. degree from Monash University, Australia in Pedagogy and Cultural Studies (2011). He completed two master degrees, one from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA in Educational Administration (2006) with Fulbright Scholarship, and the other one from Monash University in Leadership, Policy and Change in Education (2003) with AusAid Scholarship. He has been teaching both at undergraduate and graduate level classes at UIN Ar-Raniry and Syiah Kuala University, and at Imam Bonjol Islamic State Institute (IAIN Imam Bonjol), Indonesia. His research interest includes Education Governance, Education Management and Leadership, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, and also Ethnographic Studies. He has published widely in the field of education, and one of his recent publication is “researching my own backyard: an inquiry into an ethnographic study. He is involved in a number of organization: ICAIOS, LPSDM, IISIDP, and TEFLIN.
Research interest: Teacher Education Educational Leadership and Management Educational Policy Educaton and Scociology TEFL Teaching Qualitative Research
Personal website: