Visiting Scholar and Interns

Welcome to ICAIOS! The main purpose of ICAIOS it to foster research on Aceh and the Indian Ocean, and disseminate the findings through diverse events, such as workshop, conferences, seminar and publications. Visiting Scholars and Visiting Students Researchers are a vital part of the life of the Center, providing a continual source of new ideas and integrating with our active community events. The Center hosts several visiting scholars and students each year. 

You are a Scholar or a Student interested in pursuing research on Aceh and the Indian Ocean? Why not join us at ICAIOS?

We seek visitors who will actively engage with our Center activities and resources. This includes being an active member in our working groups, attending our lecture & discussion series, contributing to our events and presenting your results in a Guest Lecture. By joining us, you will gain access to our modest facilities (library, wifi, working space…), get in contact with the most prominent researchers on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, and become part of our community which emphasizes sharing and mutual learning. Should you need assistance (translation, data analysis, driver, introduction to specific people), we will be happy to make the necessary arrangements. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with housing facilities. However we will gladly help you to find suitable accommodation for you. Please note that affiliation as a visiting researcher does not involve salary or fringe benefits.

Some of the scholars and Interns who had visited us:

Visited Scholar

jonathan edit

Jonathan Zilberg
Jonathan Zilberg is a cultural anthropologist specializing in museums - specifically in promoting participatory inclusive strategies for making museums and history education matter to local communities. Please see for my primary academic affiliation.
Research interest: Museum Ethnography; Religion; History; Popular Culture; Mass Media. 
Personal website:


Silvia Vignato |
Silvia Vignato (Prof.), Associate Professor in anthropology at The Department of Human Science for education “Riccardo Massa”, Università di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), teaches undergraduate and graduate students and supervises M.A. and Ph.D. thesis focused on Southeast Asia. Her research interest is on subjectivity as related to work/unemployment, gender and marginality, evolving structures of families and unattached children in Indonesia and Malaysia. Beside a monography about Indonesian Tamil migrants, other Sumatranese ethnic minorities and their levels of subjective integration into the State, she has published articles about Malaysian factory workers and manpower agents for migrants and about post-conflict young Acehenese people.


My research interests lie in the fields of peace and conflict studies as well as development studies. In recent years, I have mainly studied the peace process in Aceh, Indonesia, and the emergence of new political elites. Currently, I am developing a new project that will look at forced migration and internal displacement in insular Southeast Asia in a comparative perspective. In the project, I aim at understanding the impact of forced migration on host communities and the way the access and use of resources is being negotiated and organized between refugees and hosts. In my research, I follow a qualitative, actors centered approach using participant observation during extended periods of field research. I received my Master’s degree in Languages, Economics, and Southeast Asian Studies from the University of Passau, Germany, and my PhD from the Department of Anthropology at Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.


Dr. Mieke Lopes Cardozo

Mieke Lopes Cardozo |
Dr. Mieke Lopes Cardozo is assistant professor (tenured) at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam, and part of the Governance and Inclusive Development Research Group. Her academic research and teaching focuses on the role of education in processes of peacebuilding, social justice and transformation in the contexts of Sri Lanka, Aceh/Indonesia, Bolivia and Myanmar. She recently co-directed the Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding incollaboration with the University of Sussex, Ulster University and UNICEF. She is appointed as Advisor for the Security Council mandated Progress Study on Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security. She was recently awarded the 2017 Comenius Teaching Fellowship to implement an education innovation project called Critical Development and Diversity Explorations.
Supervised Thesis by Mieke about Aceh: 

Rietesh Shah

Ritesh Shah |
Dr. Ritesh Shah is Senior Lecturer in the faculty’s school of critical studies in education at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Most of his research occurs in international settings where changes in political, economic or social regimes driven by crises and/or conflict have lead to calls for significant reform to a nation’s education system. His main research sites have been in Latin America and Southeast Asia, but he has and continues to also work as an evaluation consultant for various development partners (INGOs and bilateral agencies) across the Asia-Pacific region and Middle East. He is one of the two lead researchers on research project: peace building, social injustice and education in Aceh. He is also a senior researcher on a new research consortium between UNICEF and the Universities of Ulster, Amsterdam and Sussex.
Ritesh Publication about Aceh:



Ariane Boulanger |
Ariane took her bachelor degree in International Relations in Sciences Po Paris. For her third year abroad, she went to Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to learn the language. After graduating, she pursue her studies by taking a master in International Security in Sciences Po as well and will graduate in 2017. She wishes to work in the conflict resolution field in the future.


Giacomo Tabacco 
My research interests lie in the field of the concepts and practices of informal mining and cash crops farming, gendered work patterns, mobility, workplace hazards, spatial planning, land conflicts, and socio-ecological degradation in the Indonesian rural regions. During my PhD (2011-2016, University of Milano-Bicocca), I conducted fieldwork among artisanal gold miners and other fortune seekers in Aceh, Indonesia. I am currently working on the entanglements of welfare policies, socio-ecological vulnerability, radicalized access to land, and "slow violence" in the Acehnese region.









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