The Tsunami of New Dreams

the tsunami of new deams icaios

Tales of Survival in Banda Aceh

Selections from the feature film will be screened during this live event, with commentary from the film’s director.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a moderated Q&A session.
The movie was produced in collaboration with colleagues from Aceh and Singapore, primarily ICAIOS and the Earth Observatory of Singapore.
“The Tsunami of New Dreams” is scheduled to premiere in 2021.
Stay tuned for details.

Date: Friday 18 Dec 2020
Time: 7:30pm
Registration Link:

Years in the making, the film presents the testimonies of disaster survivors from the moment they encountered the wall of water to the ways they found for moving on.
Over a dozen Acehnese of all ages tell their stories illustrated with unique archival footage and original animation.
The movie was written and directed by Isaac Kerlow, a Mexican-American filmmaker based in Los Angeles, California, who has produced a few films inspired by Indonesian themes.
The movie dialog is in Indonesian, Acehnese and English, with Indonesian subtitles.
Additional details about the film and the director’s work can be found at

This Zoom event is sponsored by ICAIOS, UNSYIAH and UIN Ar Raniry


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