Master Class: Metode Studi Islam

Master Class
Metode Studi Islam
Bersama Prof Al-Yasa Abubakar

  • Deskripsi perkuliahan

Meskipun beragama Islam, belum tentu penganutnya memahami ajaran dan keilmuan Islam itu sendiri selain hanya hanya memahami dan mempraktekan ibadah ritual seperti shalat dan berhaji. Perkembangan publik saat ini cenderung mempelajari, menerima, menyampaikan dan memperaktekan Islam tanpa memahami kaedah-kaedah agama dan keilmuan Islam itu sendiri. Keadaan ini berdampak pada kekeliruan dalam memahami Islam yang berujung pada kekeliruan berpikir dan bersikap secara personal maupun sosial.
Master Class (MC) ini akan mendiskusikan pegantar tentang kaedah-kaedah mempelajari dan memahami studi-studi keislamanan. MC ini akan berlangsung selama 12 (dua belas) kali pertemuan. Peserta diwajibkan untuk mengikuti semua perkuliahan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang utuh tentang keseluruhan perkuliahan. Adapun materi perkuliahan adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Materi Perkuliahan

Pertemuan      Materi Diskusi
1                     Sejarah ilmu-ilmu keislaman (Filsafat, fiqh, Ilmu Kalam [teologi]), dan lainnya)
2                     Perkembangan ilmu-ilmu keislaman
3                     Kemandekan ilmu-ilmu keislaman
4-5                  Metode memahami Al-Quran
6-7                  Metode Memahami Hadits
8-9                  Problematika pemahaman fiqh dan hukum Islam masa sekarang
10-11              Problematika pemahaman Ilmu Kalam (teologi) masa sekarang
12                   Akhlak dan tawasuf

  • Tempat, Waktu, dan Durasi Perkuliahan

Perkuliahan akan berlangsung mulai 24 Juni 2019 di ruang seminar ICAIOS. MC diadakan 1 (satu) minggu sekali pada setiap hari senin pukul 14.00 hingga menjelang Ashar. Perkuliahan bisa mendadak ditunda berdasarkan keadaan-keadaan darurat narasumber.

  • Jumlah Peserta dan Pendaftaran, Pengumuman seleksi

Jumlah peserta dibatasi maksimal 17 peserta. Semua calon peserta diharuskan mengirim surat lamaran/minat ke dengan menyertakan dokumen-dokumen sebagai berikut.
1. Surat minat/motivasi sebanyak maksimal 700 kata.
2. Curriculum Vitae dengan memberikan tekanan pada sejarah pendidikan dan training yang diikuti.

Pendaftaran ditutup pada tanggal 17 Juni 2019. Kandidat yang diterima akan diberitahukan melalui email paling lambat tanggal 20 Juni 2019. Hanya kandidat yang diseleksi yang akan diberitahu.

Read more: Master Class: Metode Studi Islam

Lokakarya: Memfasilitasi Mata Kuliah " Learning How to Learn"

Lokakarya Cara Belajar

International Seminar

International Seminar on Decentralisation in Indonesia
Forum Kajian Pembangunan, ANU-Indonesia Project, Jurusan EKP-FE Unsyiah, ICAIOS

Tuesday, 11 March 2014
8:30 to 12:30
Balai Sidang FE Unsyiah
Darussalam Campus, Banda Aceh

  • Local economic governance and outcomes in decentralised Indonesia (Arianto Patunru, ANU Indonesia Project)
  • Desentralisasi dan pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia (Vid Adrison, LPEM, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia)
  • Bisnis dan Politik Paska Pilkada (Syarif Hidayat, LIPI)
  • High cost, low performance: Decentralisation in education sector in Aceh (Nazamuddin, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Syiah Kuala)

FREE and OPEN to Public, but invitation or registration is needed (Space is for 200 first participants)

To get INVITATION or to REGISTER, please contact ICAIOS ( or Jurusan EKP FE Unsyiah (Himpunan Mahasiswa EKP FE Unsyiah)

Please stay tuned for further information.


First Call for Papers and Panel Proposals


The Aftermath of Aid: Sciences, Effectiveness, and Sustainability of Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Reconstruction & Recovery
The 5th International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS)
Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 17-18 November 2014

The fifth ICAIOS conference will be held on November 17-18, 2014 at the campus of Islamic State University (UIN) Ar-Raniry in the City of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The conference will be organized in cooperation with the research project “The Aftermath of Aid: Assessing the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Aceh, Indonesia”, a collaborative research project between ICAIOS and the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) - NTU, Singapore. 

Taking a step further from the dynamics beyond reconstruction examined through “Social Recovery” in the 4th conference, this conference will assess the effectiveness and sustainability of post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction and recovery. The focus of the conference will be on how sciences, both natural and social sciences, contribute (or did not so), to human efforts in seeking a better and safer life in post-disaster and post-conflict communities. ICAIOS invites quality papers and panel proposals from original research that address these issues in post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction and recovery in Indonesia and other regions. Comparisons from regions affected by 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami are especially welcome as we will have the 10th commemoration of the catastrophe this year.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto*
Former BRR Aceh-Nias Chairman
Prof. Kerry Sieh*
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore  

Invited Speakers:

Prof. Patrick Daly
NUS Singapore
Prof. Amirul Hadi
UIN Ar-Raniry
Dr. Eka Srimulyani
Dr. Alvisyahrin*
Syiah Kuala University/TDMRC


*in confirmation

The November 2014 conference will particularly discuss the following sub-theme:

(1) Assessment on the effectiveness and sustainability of post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction and recovery;
(2) Knowledge production and management from post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction and recovery;
(3) The role and the possibility for dialog between natural and social sciences for better and safer life;
(4) The role of history, culture, and religion in sustaining post-disaster and post-conflict recovery;
(5) Gender, representation, participation, and governance for efficient and sustainable post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction and recovery;
(6) Socio-economy, environment, and natural resources management in post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction and recovery;
(7) Media and communication sciences for efficient and sustainable disaster risk reduction.

We also welcome special panels. All research papers on Aceh and its connections and comparisons with Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean regions more broadly will be considered for inclusion. Extended abstract(s) of 300 to 500 words are to be submitted to:

Panel dalam Bahasa Indonesia: Untuk meningkatkan akses terhadap kegiatan akademik internasional ini, disediakan 3 panel khusus (untuk 10-12 pembicara saja) dimana artikel, presentasi, dan diskusi dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia (To broaden access for this international academic event, there will be 3 panels for papers written and/or delivered in Bahasa Indonesia for Indonesian and non-Indonesian alike).

Abstract submission deadline
17 June 2014
Abstract acceptance notification
18 July 2014
Full paper submission
30 September 2014
Registration payment deadline
31 October 2014
Conference dates
17-18 November 2014

Registration Fees*)


Early bird registration until7 August 2014

After 7 August 2014






USD 150

USD 100

USD 200

USD 150

International Student

USD 100

USD 50

USD 150

USD 100


IDR 500,000

IDR 250,000

IDR 650,000

IDR 300,000

National Student

IDR 200,000

IDR 100,000

IDR 300,000

IDR 150,000

Excursion Fee

Banda Aceh: IDR500,000 (includes transportation, tickets for attraction, and t-shirt)

Sabang, Weh Island: IDR1,500,000 (includes sea-ferry, 1-night accommodation, t-shirt)

*) Registration Fees include seminar kit, certificate, e-Proceeding, lunch and snacks.

*Note: Additional charges of 200.000 IDR is required for a hardcopy of Proceeding Book

Call for Paper IRSA

Call for Papers

The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with Hasanuddin University invites scholars, practitioners and graduate students to submit papers to be presented in the 12th IRSA International Conference. The conference will be held in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on 2–3 June 2014 and theme of the conference is Political Economy of Regional Development in Indonesia.

Potential topics to be discussed in this conference include, but are not limited to:
political economy and governance of regional development
public policy, regional and urban planning and regional development
urban, agriculture and rural development
poverty, inequality and inter-regional disparities,
housing, education, transportation and other regional infrastructures issues
regional/international trade, finance and inflation
spatial modelling and simulation.

Extended paper abstract of about 300-500 words should be submitted online via Abstract should consist of background, data and methodology, and potential contribution to knowledge. Please provide keywords and JEL number. Abstract should be in English, as also the full paper.

Important deadlines:
□ Abstract submission deadline       : February 15, 2014
□ Abstract acceptance notification   : March 15, 2014
□ Early bird registration deadline      : March 30, 2014
□ Full Paper submission deadline    : April 15, 2014
□ Paper Presenter Registration Due : April 30, 2014
□ Conference date                          : June 2-3, 2014

The conference will have four prominent scholars and experienced practitioners as keynote speakers. Among others are Prof. Anne Booth, Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis, Prof. Ari Kuncoro and Prof. Armida Alisjahbana. Paper sessions are seminar-style with a discussant for each paper and ample time for discussion and for participants to provide constructive feedback to authors. Paper presentations will be in English.

Conference Secretariat:
Faculty of Economics, Hasanuddin University
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea Km. 10
Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Phone/Fax: +62-411-587128

Contact Person:
Irdam Ferdiansyah, SE, M.Si. (Secretary); Email:
Dr. Abd Hamid Paddu (Chairman); E-mail:


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Call for Article

ICAIOS welcomes scholars and researchers to publish scientific or popular articles. See the article guideline HERE 

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If yes, complete the form here

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