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Pengangguran di Aceh: Dari Demam Emas lalu Giok? Bagaimana kondisi lapangan kerja di Aceh setelah bencana dan konflik? Apakah sektor ekstraktif dapat menjadi andalan Aceh untuk selanjutnya? Mari kita diskusikan sambil menyaksikan film etnografi karya sineas dan peneliti Italia.
Diskusi Film Etnografi tentang
Bersama: Prof. Silvia Vignato, Giacomo Tabacco dan Parsifal Reparato
Jumat, 27 Feb 2015 | Pukul 16.30 sd Selesai | Ruang Seminar ICAIOS
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Tentang Pembicara:
- Silvia Vignato, Associate Professor in anthropology at The Department of Human Science for education “Riccardo Massa”, Università di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), Her research interest is on subjectivity as related to gender, evolving structures of families (with a focus on matrifocality) and unattached children in Indonesia (Aceh) and Malaysia.
- Giacomo Tabacco is a 4th year PhD candidate who graduated from Università di Roma “La Sapienza” with a medical-anthropology. He is currently conducting fieldwork on gold mining migrant and indigenous workers and their all-male communities in the highlands of Calang (Aceh, Indonesia). Individuals and goods mobility, loneliness, anxiety and prosperity are keys to this framework.
- Parsifal Reparato, MA in Social Anthropology at the Università di Roma La Sapienza, is an anthropologist and film maker. He is currently editing a film about industrial workers and internal migrations in Vietnam.