GLS: On Muslim Women's Political Agency


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Guest Lecture Series 

"On Muslim Women's Political Agency: Syariah as Heterotopia in Aceh"

With: Reed Rasheed Taylor, Ph.D

Monday, 22 June 2015 | 10 am to 12:00 pm | ICAIOS Seminar Room


About the GLS:

Reed "Rasheed" Taylor, PhD will discuss on the differences between interdisciplinarity vs. multidisciplinarity. Then he will talk about Syariah as a heterotopia in Aceh (link), state-centrism and the historiography of Aceh, Muslim feminism(s) and the ethics of agency, or on a feminist reading of women in Ibn Rushd's commentary on Plato's Republic. Time permits, Dr. Taylor will also address some overlap of Ibn Khaldun with the Aristotelian idea ofhabitus found in his work and discussion of a feminist ethics in Islam. 

This talk is mainly based on Dr. Taylor's dissertation, of which review by Dr. Marjaana Jauhola can be found here:


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