Ceramic Recognition & Analysis Training Conducted for UIN by ICAIOS

UIN :  Monday 16th January 2017

Commencing at 10:00 hrs, two power point presentations were made by Dr E. Edwards McKinnon to UIN staff and students: 1. Tembikar (Earthenware) and. . .

2. Southeast Asian Stonewares found in Aceh : Burma, Thailand and Vietnam. These were followed at 11:30 by Dr Tai Yew Seng’s presentations on Chinese Ceramics : basic Principles and Chinese Ceramic found in Aceh. In an afternoon session the ladies of the Gampong Ateuk Jawo pottery group gave a practical demonstration on how to make earthenware. Commentary was provided by Ibu Nuriah Hs. This demonstration was very well received. Thereafter there was a hands-on seesion to allow the participants to handle items of earthenware and to observe the different elements of decoration on the pieces provided for inspection.



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