International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies
Jl. T. Nyak Arief, Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111, Aceh, Indonesia
Tel. +62-(0)651-7552368, E-mail:
’Rangkang Manyang’ Short Course Series IV
Making Visual Argument: A Day Workshop on Ethnographic Film Making
Facilitator/Trainer: Joshua Holst (Mahasiswa Ph.D bidang Antropologi, University of Arizona, USA; TA Volunteer at ICAIOS)
When: Wednesday - 18 July 2012 Where: ICAIOS Seminar Room, Kampus Darussalam
What: Making Visual Argument
Film has long been a part of the ethnographic tradition, what can be more powerful than sounds and images to relay lived experience? This workshop will involve not only exercises to develop practical techniques but also reflections on using the visual medium to advance intellectual arguments. The dynamics and ethics of representation will be explored.
Topic to be covered:
1. A brief intro to visual anthropology and visual arguments in applied anthropology
2. The quandary of representation, a discussion
3. Analyzing visual media
4. Conducting interviews
5. Making a visual argument
Image Source: Serambi / Aceh Tsunami /in
Expected Participants: documentary film making communities; students, journalist, researchers, and faculty members in social sciences, film and media, especially those studying communication, politics, anthropology, and journalism.
Free Registration: ICAIOS, Annex Building, Komplek Gedung PPISB Unsyiah, Darussalam, Banda Aceh Telp. +62-(0)651-7552368; E-mail:;
Registration Deadline: Friday, 13 July 2012.
FREE, only for 12 participants on First Comes First Served basis