Guest Lecture Series
Scraps of Hope: Combining Street Ethnography, Life Histories and Film Documentarism to Document Everyday in Post-Tsunami Banda Aceh
With: Dr. Marjaana Jauhola
(PhD in International Politics, University Wales, Aberytwyth)
Friday, 22 January 2016 – 16.00 WIB – seminar Room ICAIOS Darussalam
About this talk:
“In this talk I will discuss my research approach that combines street ethnography, life histories and collaboration with a film documentarist in order to document the everyday and mundane non-elite lives in post-tsunami Banda Aceh. The stories that unfold offer insights into layered exiles and displacement; hidden narratives of violence, grief and reconciliation; struggles over gendered expectations of being a good and respectable woman and man; the hierarchical political economy of post-conflict & tsunami reconstruction; and multiple ways of arranging lives and remembrance, cherishing loved and remembrance, cherishing loved ones and forming caring and loving relationships outside the normative nations of nuclear family & home.”
About the speaker:
Dr. Marjaana Jauhola (PhD in International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth) is Academy of Finlandia Research Fellow in Gender Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland and has published on post-tsunami reconstruction in Aceh based on her research between 2006-2014. She is also an editorial board member of Journal Gender Equality of Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) UIN Ar-Raniry