PDS: Art and Music of Aceh: From Local to Global

Public Discussion Series
Art and Musc of Aceh: From Local to Global
with: Ari J Palawi
Associate Director for Programs and Acquisitions
Center for The Art of Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh Indonesia
Ph.D. Cadidate. Faculty of Arts, School of Music - Conservatorium Monash University, Australia
Jum'at, 19 Februari 2016 | 16.30-18.00 WIB | Ruang Seminar ICAIOS
About The Speaker:
Ari Palawi S.Sn., M.A is Asian Studies Program alumni of University of Hawaii at Manoa (2007-2010) while his bachelor degree was achieved from the Indonesia Institute of Arts Yogyakarta in 2000 focusing on Musicology with the Classical Guitar as his major instrumet. And he is currently the Ph.D. Candidate in ethnomusicology at Monash University focusing on the Malay Music Culture of Urang Pulo in Kepuluan Banyak, Sumatra, Indonesia.
He has been teaching the music subject in Syiah Kuala University of the Aceh Province, the place where he born, since 2003. He also founded the Center of the Arts in the University in 2010 and made several cultural events and tours promoting the excellence of Aceh arts and traditions to other regions in Indonesia as well as abroad. He is now preparing the second International Conference ad Cultural Event (ICCE) of Aceh to be held in Melbourne on September 2016 following the success of the first ICCE of Aceh of 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

His official profile could be senn at http://fsd.unsyiah.ac.id/ari while his email address is ari.palawi@gmail.com



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