Gawat, Situs Bersejarah Aceh Mau Dibuat Lapangan Golf

finlandia-embassyICAIOS opens new opportunities for research on Aceh

Anna Rissanen | 6 Juni 2009
International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) is a joint effort between Acehnese and foreign universities, aiming to support the development and internationalisation of social sciences in Aceh. ICAIOS opened its office in Banda Aceh in December 2008 and activities have begun step by step in the leadership of Leena Avonius from Finland.
The idea of establishing a research centre emerged in 2007 during an international conference held in Banda Aceh. Researchers from different fields, representatives of the local universities and influential persons from Indonesia's political life felt that an initiative to deepen and broaden research on Aceh was worth exploring. For a long time, past conflicts and their consequences have isolated Aceh in many ways and also limited the possibilites of academic research in the area. Ford Foundation supported founding of centre of social sciences in Banda Aceh in 1970's, but during the years of conflict its activities were drawn almost to a complete end. [Read More] [Cached]



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