Restoring Faith: Women Entrepreneurs in Post-tsunami Aceh

Salmawati, Abon Ikan Home Industry
Written by 
Maida Irawani

I had no idea about Seasoned fish meat floss (“abon ikan) until my husband shared the recipe to me after he participated on a Seasoned fish meat floss training organized by Banda Aceh Mayor Office in 1998. I was so curious about it as I never knew how it looks like and the taste. At first, I tried to cook it and the taste was strange, too sweet and not delicious. I was sure that Acehnese would not like it.

I did not give up and keep trying for many times, as I really wanted to earn additional income to support my family. My daughter initiated to sell my abon ikan in her school and many students bought it. However I received complaints from students’ parent, as they did not know what the product was, no product label and they did not familiar with abon. Later I had to organize P-IRT permit (food industry household permit) and we decided to put our son’s name on our product name “ Abon Tuna Saputra”.

The product was accepted in the market and our life change afterwards. I received many orders for my product and became well known after being promoted on TV and also my factory was visited by the previous Indonesian president, Megawati.  I was invited to be Abon trainer and my business kept growing and successful. I had 18 workers who worked with me to produce tuna abon industry and later our business was expanded. Tragically, tsunami 2004 killed three of my children and destroyed house and all business that we had established.

Read more: Restoring Faith: Women Entrepreneurs in Post-tsunami Aceh

Memaknai Hari Lingkungan Sedunia dengan Cinta

Oleh : Sarmiyati

Penulis adalah Alumnus Prodi Pendidikan Biologi
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan 
UIN Ar-Raniry
Email :

Diantara tanggal penting yang diperingati setiap tanggal 5 Juni di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia, adalah hari Lingkungan Sedunia. Meski gaungnya mungkin tidak seheboh peringatan tanggal penting lainnya, Hari Lingkungan Sedunia yang pertama kali dicetuskan pada tahun 1972 ini pada dasarnya memiliki tujuan mulia sebagai gerakan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran hidup manusia sejagat.

Ditinjau dari segi sejarahnya, kesadaran akan permasalahan lingkungan ini mengemuka pada tahun 1970-an saat pelaksanaan Konferensi Stockholm tahun 1972. Di antara isu penting yang dibahas dalam konferensi ini adalah terkait dengan permasalahan lingkungan (United Nation Confrence of Human Enviroment, UNCHE). Konferensi yang diselengarakan pada tanggal 5-12 Juni 1972 ini akhirnya menetapkan tanggal 5 Juni sebagai hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia. Berikutnya pada tahun 1987 terbentuklah suatu Komisi Dunia tentang Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan (World Commision on Enviroment and Development), sehingga melahirkan sebuah konsep yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini kemudian diperkuat lagi dalam konferensi di Rio de Jenairo, Brasil, pada tahun 1992 yang diadakan oleh Majelis Umum PBB.

Read more: Memaknai Hari Lingkungan Sedunia dengan Cinta


Oleh : Maulida
Penulis adalah Volunteer prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam dan
Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura Pascasarjana UIN Ar-Raniry

Beberapa waktu lalu, masyarakat Aceh digegerkan sebuah peristiwa unik. Hal tersebut berawal dari seorang warga korban penggusuran barak Bakoy pada bulan lalu yang berniat melakukan euthanasia (suntik mati). Korban penggusuran tersebut bernama Berlin Silalahi (46), dibantu sang istri mengajukan permohonan ke Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh pada 3 Mei 2017 lalu. Pengajuan permohonan euthanasia yang dilakukan Berlin sendiri bukan tanpa alasan, melainkan hal tersebut dilakukan karena kondisi Berlin yang lumpuh sejak tahun 2013 lalu yang tidak mampu untuk bekerja menafkahi keluarganya. Namun, permohonan yang dilakukan Berlin tersebut ditolak oleh hakim Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh, karena euthanasia belum dikenal dalam hukum Indonesia dan juga dilarang dalam agama Islam. (Serambi Indonesia, 3/5/2017). 

Kasus euthanasia yang diajukan Berlin bukanlah satu-satunya kasus yang terjadi di dunia, melainkan telah banyak terjadi di negara-negara lain, salah satunya adalah Belanda yang merupakan negara pertama yang melakukan euthanasia tepatnya pada tahun 2001 yang lalu yang selanjutnya diikuti Belgia setahun kemudian. Proses permohonan untuk euthanasiapun harus melewati proses yang sangat panjang, dimana pemohon sendiri harus mendapatkan konseling dengan psikologi dalam periode tertentu. Selanjutnya, pasien juga diberikan waktu untuk berpikir dalam periode yang telah ditentukan, kemudian pemohon harus mendapatkan sertifikat minimal dari dua orang dokter dengan pernyataan bahwa kondisi pasien sudah tidak dapat tertolong lagi.  Setelah melewati proses yang sangat panjang, baru diajukan ke pengadilan untuk mendapatkan keputusan. 


“Have You Plagiarized?” -The Complex Contexts of Plagiarism

By : Faishal Zakaria
Writer is an LPDP awarde and is currently working on his PhD in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (LCLE) at Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Email :

FZ 001“Have you plagiarized?” Surely, no one would be happy to be asked such a question because the question indicates that a form of academic dishonesty has allegedly been performed. In the West, issues of plagiarism would be seriously addressed and the perpetrators would be severely punished. Many important people have been forcibly removed from their positions because they were accused of committing acts of plagiarism or there were many cases where universities had to revoked academic degrees they had awarded because the holders were believed to have plagiarized their academic works. Similarly, issues of plagiarism have also been deemed crucial in Indonesia. Nonetheless, cases of plagiarism keep appearing. What is wrong here? Who is to be blamed? 

Perhaps in most writing classes, plagiarism is a big concern and it is not easy to solve. Many teachers are tempted to immediately blame the students whenever they attempted to do an act of plagiarism and regard them as those who do not have academic integrity, honesty, and, even worse, critical thinking. The term “plagiarism” might not seem so alien to students in the western contexts but those in or from the eastern contexts might likely see it differently. This means the idea of plagiarism is somewhat seen differently across cultures (Bloch, 2008)

Read more: “Have You Plagiarized?” -The Complex Contexts of Plagiarism

Restoring Faith: Women Entrepreneurs in Post-tsunami Aceh

Adawiyah, Aceh Batik Trainer and Emboider
Written by 
Maida Irawani

“I was only a housewife and only did domestic chores but now live changes.” The 2004’s tsunami destroyed our home and lives. We were survived from the tsunami but we had nothing left except what we had in our body. We displaced to a safe area located around 2 km from our home and live together under the tents with hundreds of people who also lost their everything on that tragic natural disaster. Life was difficult for us as we relied on the aids and supports from donors or NGOs. My husband could not work as the school where my husband work as a teacher was also vanished.

I did not lose hope and faith because of the condition that we faced, I did what ever I could do to survive. When I was young, I used to be able to play rebana or tambourine, this skill helped me to become one of the village facilitator to teach the children in a displaced camp. For about two years, I was recruited to support in psychosocial activity, teaching the children how to play rebana and Islamic Nasheed. It was in 2007 when we decided to return to our village and rebuild back our lives. I participated on some vocational training such as sewing, embroidery and was selected to be one out of 40 villagers who participated on Batik training in Java and later became the member of Rumoh Batik Cooperatives, a new livelihood concept developed by Indonesian Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency to restore the community livelihood in my village. We received supports from training, tools, capital, assistances in management and marketing, and also network. It was successful at the beginning, we received many orders both from government and publics and often being invited in exhibitions. However, this glory came to an end by 2010 as the orders and selling was decreased in numbers due to the decrease of the quality of our products and also our product could not compete in the market as people prefer to buy Java Batik as the price is cheaper than Aceh Batik.

Read more: Restoring Faith: Women Entrepreneurs in Post-tsunami Aceh


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